UC Modding Tutorials full
Tutorials written here are completely for UC9.4. So these tutorials may not work on History Versions.
Important Notes:
Number 0 to 5 is iconst_0 to iconst_5
Number 6 to 127 is bipush 6 to bipush 127
Number 128 to 32767 is sipush 128 to sipush 32767
Number greater than 32767 is ldc ***** or ldc_w *****
Byte to kilobyte:
1024b= 1kb
Modifying Download Limits and 4kb Download Refresh
<1> Download UC 9.4 Browser and add .zip extension. For example : uc.zip
<2> Now with Bytecode Editor Search For K/S. 1 class will extract in a folder. It is av.class in UC 9.4
<3> Open av.class with Bytecode editor/MT . Click on methods and you will see a lot of methods. Just go to <clinit> and open it. you will see the following codes:
<clinit>()V Method Codes are given below:
0 aconst_null
1 putstatic av/a Lav;
2 new java/util/Vector
3 dup
4 invokespecial java/util/Vector/<init>()V
5 putstatic av/a Ljava/util/Vector;
6 iconst_1
7 putstatic av/a B
8 iconst_0
9 putstatic av/b S
10 iconst_0
11 putstatic av/c S
12 iconst_2 you need to change this for download limit
13 putstatic av/a I
14 iconst_0
15 putstatic av/d I
16 ldc "/"
17 putstatic av/a Ljava/lang/String;
18 ldc "/"
19 putstatic av/b Ljava/lang/String;
20 return
Change iconst_2 to iconst_1 if you want 1 by 1 download
You can also change iconst_2 to any other. For example if you want 4 downloads At a time then change it to iconst_4. Take help from Notes:
<4> After modifying save the class.
<5> Now we will change 4kb download Refresh. Since by default UC 9.4 Download Refresh limit is 40kb [40960b] ,so we will change 40kb to 4kb .
<6> Open Again the av.class with byte code editor or mt. Go to constant pool in the 2nd line you will see 40960. Justdelete final 0 , then it will be 4096 which means 4kb.
I am listing some part from constant pool.
0 null
1 integer info: 40960 this is what you need for changing download refresh limit . Take help of notes
2 integer info: 65536
3 integer info: 131072
4 integer info: 1602765
5 integer info: 2359418
6 integer info: 10485760
7 string_info: string: 976
---and so on---
---C2hallofu Tutorial---
Modifying Tabs Limit:
<1> Rename your uc browser as uc.zip
<2> Select uc.zip with bytecode editor or MT and search for ext:close_window. 1 class j.classwill be extracted in a folder for uc9.4. Open it with bytecode editor/mt and Search For tableswitch. Several Methods will Appear. Now As we know in UC9.4 window limit is 8. So we will search for bipush 8 on each method that you have searched with tableswitch. In the second method, you will see the following Codes.
1 aload_0
2 invokevirtual j/c()Lh;
3 pop
4 aload_0
5 getfield j/b Ljava/util/Vector;
6 invokevirtual java/util/Vector/size()I
7 dup
8 istore 5
9 bipush 8 This is window limit [ Change it to bipush 50 if u want 50 tabs.]
10 if_icmplt Label75
11 iload_3
12 iconst_4
13 invokestatic ab/a(II)Z
14 ifne Label75
15 iload_1
16 iconst_2
17 if_icmpeq Label73
18 new java/lang/StringBuffer
19 dup
20 invokespecial java/lang/StringBuffer/<init>()V
21 bipush 87
22 invokestatic ak/a(I)Ljava/lang/String;
23 invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;
24 bipush 8 This is pop-up window limit that alerts you . [ change it to bipush 50 if you have changed previous bipush 8 to bipush 50]
25 invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/append(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;
26 invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/toString()Ljava/lang/String;
27 astore 6
28 aload_0
29 aconst_null
30 iconst_1
31 anewarray java/lang/String
32 dup
33 iconst_0
34 aload 6
35 aastore
36 invokevirtual j/a(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)Z
37 pop
38 Label73:
39 aconst_null
40 areturn
41 Label75:
42 iload 5
43 istore 6
44 iload 5
45 bipush 8
46 if_icmplt Label124
47 iload_3
48 iconst_4
49 invokestatic ab/a(II)Z
50 ifeq Label124
51 aload_0
52 getfield j/b Ljava/util/Vector;
53 iload 5
54 iconst_1
55 isub
56 invokevirtual java/util/Vector/elementAt(I)Ljava/lang/Object;
57 checkcast h
58 astore 4
59 aload_0
60 iload 5
61 iconst_1
62 isub
63 dup
64 istore 6
65 invokevirtual j/d(I)V
66 goto Label198
67 Label124:
68 new h
69 dup
70 aload_0
71 invokespecial h/<init>(Lj;)V
72 astore 4
73 iload_1
74 tableswitch Label187 0 : Label164 , 1 : Label172 , 2 : Label181 , 3 : Label164
75 Label164 :
76 aload 4
77 getstatic j/a Laj;
78 goto Label184
79 Label172:
80 aload 4
81 aload_0
82 invokevirtual j/a()Laj;
83 goto Label184
84 Label181:
85 aload 4
86 aload_2
87 Label184:
88 invokevirtual h/d(Laj;)V
89 Label187:
90 aload_0
91 getfield j/b Ljava/util/Vector;
92 aload 4
93 iload 5
94 invokevirtual java/util/Vector/insertElementAt(Ljava/lang/Object;I)V
95 Label198:
96 iload_3
97 iconst_1
98 invokestatic ab/a(II)Z
99 ifne Label212
100 aload_0
101 iload 6
102 invokevirtual j/d(I)V
103 Label212:
104 aload 4
105 areturn
<3>After Modifying the class , put back to original file and test your work.
---C2hallofu Tutorial---:
Modifying Free Copy Restrictions:
<1> Rename your uc browser as uc.zip
<2> Extract the largest Class. It is j.class. You can easily find which is the largest class using MT. Just Set Sort Files By Size you will see j.class at the bottom inside of zip file which means j.class is the largest class. Just extract it. Now, Openj.class with MT And search for 2048. Methods will appear. Open each method and search for 5000 . You will find 5000 in one method. Open it. You will see this.
You will see the following codes :
0 aload_1
1 invokestatic ab/c(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
2 ifeq Label18
3 aload_0
4 bipush 56
5 invokestatic ak/a(I)Ljava/lang/String;
6 aload_2
7 invokevirtual j/a(Ljava/lang/String;Ljavax/microedition/lcdui/Displayable;)V
8 return
9 Label18:
10 aload_1
11 invokevirtual java/lang/String/length()I
12 invokestatic y/a()Ly;
13 getfield y/c I
14 isub
15 istore_3
16 invokestatic a/s()Z
17 ifeq Label54
18 iload_3
19 sipush 2048
20 if_icmple Label54
21 aload_0
22 bipush 108
23 invokestatic ak/a(I)Ljava/lang/String;
24 aload_2
25 invokevirtual j/a(Ljava/lang/String;Ljavax/microedition/lcdui/Displayable;)V
26 return
27 Label54:
28 getstatic bi/b Ljava/util/Vector; Copy This line
29 invokestatic j/a(Ljava/util/Vector;)I
30 iload_3
31 iadd
32 sipush 5000 [ Change it to ldc_w 999999
33 if_icmple Label80
34 aload_0
35 sipush 337
36 invokestatic ak/a(I)Ljava/lang/String;
37 aload_2
38 invokevirtual j/a(Ljava/lang/String;Ljavax/microedition/lcdui/Displayable;)V
39 return
40 Label80:
41 getstatic bi/b Ljava/util/Vector;
42 aload_1
43 iconst_0
44 invokevirtual java/util/Vector/insertElementAt(Ljava/lang/Object;I)V
45 aload_0
46 bipush 107
47 invokestatic ak/a(I)Ljava/lang/String;
48 aload_2
49 invokevirtual j/a(Ljava/lang/String;Ljavax/microedition/lcdui/Displayable;)V
50 return
Now save the class and open it again. Then search again with getstatic bi/b Ljava/util/Vector; that i had said to copy before. Several methods will appear. Now again search for 5000 you will see in 1 method. Open it. Code are following.
0 sipush 5000 [ change it to ldc_w 999999 ]
1 getstatic bi/b Ljava/util/Vector;
2 invokestatic j/a(Ljava/util/Vector;)I
3 isub
4 ireturn
Now save the class and put back to original file and test ur work.
C2hallofu Tutorial:
Disabling Pop-up update Notifications for any versions:
<1> Rename your uc browser as uc.zip
<2> Select uc.zip with bytecode editor or MT and search for ext:close_window or directly extract the largest class. For UC 9.4 one classe j.class will be extracted in a folder. Open the j.class with bytecode editor/mt and search for t:acp . One method will pop-up. Open the method and press 8 and Search for t:acp . Then Delete directly t:acp
For better understanding here is UC9.4's bytecode that need to change
ifne Label21
ldc "t:cp:"
bipush 12
invokevirtual j/c()Lh;
invokevirtual j/a(Ljava/lang/String;IILh;)V
getstatic j/j Z
ifne Label96
invokestatic java/lang/System/currentTimeMillis()J
getstatic bi/a J
getstatic bi/h Z
ifne Label57
getstatic bi/b J
ifle Label57
getstatic bi/b J
ifne Label71
getstatic bi/h Z
ifeq Label96
getstatic bi/c J
ifle Label96
invokestatic java/lang/System/currentTimeMillis()J
putstatic bi/a J
putstatic j/j Z
ldc "t:acp:" change it to ldc "".
bipush 12
invokevirtual j/c()Lh;
invokevirtual j/a(Ljava/lang/String;IILh;)V
<3>After modification save the class and put back to original app.
C2hallofu Tutorial:
Removing History Limit:
<1> Rename your uc browser as uc.zip
<2> Select uc.zip with bytecode editor or MT and search for ext:close_window. 1 class j.classwill be extracted in a folder for uc9.4. Open it with bytecode editor/mt and go to Methods. Now Go to <clinit>
You will see the following codes :
The byte codes are too long . Here i am giving partial codes that need to change
162 putstatic j/s Ljava/lang/String;
163 ldc "UCBrowser"
164 putstatic j/t Ljava/lang/String;
165 ldc "3.1"
166 putstatic j/u Ljava/lang/String;
167 ldc "en-us"
168 putstatic j/v Ljava/lang/String;
169 ldc "release"
170 putstatic j/w Ljava/lang/String;
171 aconst_null
172 putstatic j/x Ljava/lang/String;
173 ldc "GJ"
174 dup
175 putstatic j/C Ljava/lang/String;
176 putstatic j/y Ljava/lang/String;
177 ldc "WWW"
178 putstatic j/z Ljava/lang/String;
179 ldc "obua"
180 putstatic j/D Ljava/lang/String;
181 ldc ""
182 putstatic j/A Ljava/lang/String;
183 sipush 1033
184 putstatic j/d S
185 bipush 20 this is history limit [ change it to bipush 50 if u want 50 history]
186 putstatic j/s B
187 iconst_1
188 putstatic j/g Z
189 ldc "startpage"
190 putstatic j/E Ljava/lang/String;
191 ldc "startpage_search"
192 putstatic j/F Ljava/lang/String;
193 ldc "null"
194 putstatic j/G Ljava/lang/String;
195 new java/lang/StringBuffer
196 dup
197 ldc "http://command/command="
198 invokespecial java/lang/StringBuffer/<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
199 getstatic j/E Ljava/lang/String;
200 invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;
201 invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/toString()Ljava/lang/String;
202 putstatic j/E Ljava/lang/String;
203 new java/lang/StringBuffer
204 dup
205 ldc "http://command/command="
206 invokespecial java/lang/StringBuffer/<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
207 getstatic j/F Ljava/lang/String;
208 invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;
209 invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/toString()Ljava/lang/String;
210 putstatic j/F Ljava/lang/String;
211 new java/lang/StringBuffer
212 dup
213 ldc "http://command/command="
214 invokespecial java/lang/StringBuffer/<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
215 getstatic j/G Ljava/lang/String;
216 invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;
217 invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuffer/toString()Ljava/lang/String;
218 putstatic j/G Ljava/lang/String;
219 iconst_0
220 putstatic j/h Z
221 bipush 100
222 putstatic j/t I
223 return
Now save the class and put back to original file.
----Complete Tutorial--
Saving Handler settings in UCbrowser.
Today i am going to share another Dzebb's secret
you might be thinking How Dzebb's Ucweb handler apps save settings. Btw, i am not giving this tutorial for free. I need your money to rate our excellent forum members thread. If you share this tutorial please give credit to original author of the tutorial. Well lets start.
<1> Rename your target UC browser as UC.zip.
<2> With Bytecode Editor/MT Search For listRecordStore. 1 class file will be extracted.
<3> Open the class with Bytecode Editor/MT and Search Again listRecordStore. 1 Method will appear. Open the method and search for ifnull. Change all ifnull to ifnonnull. For ucbrowser 9.4 just 1 ifnull need to change. Here is the full bytecode of uc 9.4 for better understanding
invokestatic javax/microedition/rms/RecordStore/listRecordStores()[Ljava/lang/String;
ifnull Label59 change it to ifnonnull
if_icmpge Label59
getstatic bi/a [Ljava/lang/String;
if_icmpge Label46
getstatic bi/a [Ljava/lang/String;
invokevirtual java/lang/String/equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
ifne Label53
iinc 2 1
goto Label18
invokestatic bi/a(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
iinc 1 1
goto Label10
<4> After modifying save the class. Now replace it to original app.
<5> Now If you embed your modified ucbrowser with handler embedder,all handler settings will save properly.
C2hallofu's tutorial Complete
Today i am going to share another Dzebb's secret

<1> Rename your target UC browser as UC.zip.
<2> With Bytecode Editor/MT Search For listRecordStore. 1 class file will be extracted.
<3> Open the class with Bytecode Editor/MT and Search Again listRecordStore. 1 Method will appear. Open the method and search for ifnull. Change all ifnull to ifnonnull. For ucbrowser 9.4 just 1 ifnull need to change. Here is the full bytecode of uc 9.4 for better understanding

invokestatic javax/microedition/rms/RecordStore/listRecordStores()[Ljava/lang/String;
ifnull Label59 change it to ifnonnull
if_icmpge Label59
getstatic bi/a [Ljava/lang/String;
if_icmpge Label46
getstatic bi/a [Ljava/lang/String;
invokevirtual java/lang/String/equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
ifne Label53
iinc 2 1
goto Label18
invokestatic bi/a(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
iinc 1 1
goto Label10
<4> After modifying save the class. Now replace it to original app.
<5> Now If you embed your modified ucbrowser with handler embedder,all handler settings will save properly.
C2hallofu's tutorial Complete
tnx bro